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September’s Spice: Gochujang

First, a little transparency:  I belong to one of those subscription food programs where every week they send all of the ingredients for recipes that I otherwise would never prepare, with ingredients that can’t typically be found at my local Fareway or Hyvee grocery stores.  I’ve made black squid ink pasta, I’ve cooked with lemongrass…

November’s Spice: Garam Masala

Garam masala is a blend of ground spices used in Indian cuisine.  The spice blend adds warmth, sweetness, floral notes, and a touch of heat from black pepper. It is intended to be a fragrant spice as well as flavorful. In Hindi, the word “masala” means “spices,” and “garam” means “hot.” While typical ingredients such…

October: Cinnamon

Cinnamon – vs – Cinnamon Cinnamon is cinnamon is cinnamon… right?  When you hear the word, your mind goes to apple pie and cinnamon rolls.  You can’t help but think of that spicy, warm, cozy, fruity, vanilla-like scent that we love in candles and potpourri. But did you know that there are different kinds of…

September: Juniper Berries

What are Juniper Berries? When I was a kid growing up in Topeka, my friends and I used to gather bowls of Juniper berries and use them as our main dietary “food source” while playing house. They always looked so cool, rattling around in the little plastic bowls we used as our dishes.  We never…

Spice Club will be back this fall!

Hi all! As you may have noticed, we’ve taken a little break from Spice Club activities this summer, but plan to return, full strength, in September. We’ve got some fun, exciting changes planned when we get back, so stay tuned!

May: Black Truffle Sea Salt

(Apologies for the late date in posting this month’s blog! Between post-vacation catchup, illness, and Summer Reading Program prep, the month flew by, and I missed my deadline.  Oops!  ☹ Again, apologies to all!  Hopefully, you’ll still enjoy the black truffle salt information and recipes you’ll find here).  What is Black Truffle Sea Salt? While…


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